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Allan Rattey, GRDC Grains Research Updates
Peter Bird, GRDC Grains Research Updates
Allan Rattey of Dow AgroSciences - MAGIC wheat.
Better Wheat Yields from Improved Heat Tolerance
GRDC Grains Research Updates 22-23 February 2012, Southern Region, Adelaide SA. Chris Davey
Speaking of Oats... February 22, 2021: Australian oat breeding at InterGrain
GRDC Grains Research Updates February 15-16, 2011, Southern Region, Young NSW, Chris Preston
Agribusiness Crop Updates 2015 | Perth | Breeding imidazolinone tolerant barley varieties - D. Moody
John Small CWFS explains the stubble height / yield trial.
Effective delivery of phenomics in commercial breeding is more a question of what and when not how